

1.3 cm gallstone 267461

 Although gallstones are present in about 80% of people with gallbladder cancer, it is uncertain whether gallstones play a role, except when really large stones (greater than 3 Percutaneous transhepatic gallstone extraction (author's transl) Article in German Günther R, Schmidt HD, Braun B Gall stones 13 cm in size were removed in three out of four patients from the common bile duct using a Dormia basket viaGallbladder polyps larger than 15 cm, especially in solitary sessile hypoechogenic polyps, are associated with a risk of malignancy1,3,4,8,34,36 Generally, polyps that are smaller than 1 cm and are asymptomatic are monitored for 6–12 months with control ultrasound scans, in order to detect any rapid growth Gallstones 1 Collection Of Ultrasound Images 1.3 cm gallstone